Monday, January 26, 2009

Blog change

I have decided to host my own blog. This blog has now moved to

Thanks for reading here and I hope you'll follow me to my new home!

Steak on the hoof

A couple of weeks ago, it was cold in Alaska. No, I mean cold . Really, really effing COLD.

The cool thing about this isn't the fact that a caribou froze standing up. It's the comments, which range from "he'll thaw out and be ok" to Monty Python jokes. It's nice to see that some people still enjoy the classics.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Book Gore

I'm an avowed bibliophile. My proudest moment was when I purchased massive bookshelves and actually had enough shelving room in my house to hold all my books. So, on one hand, I'm finding it a little painful and somewhat gory to look at book art , but it's so damn cool that I can't stop looking at it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ghost Towns and the like

I've always thought of ghost towns as a kind of romantic remnant from the American West. It hadn't even occurred to me that ghost towns might exist all over the world. Click the link and take a tour of someone's list of top 10 abandoned places.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Presidential Inauguration

I will rarely bring politics to this blog, because generally speaking, that's not what I want this blog to be about. But the fact that we're inaugurating our first African American President today is pretty damn cool. So is the hub on CSPAN. I'll be tuned in most of the morning from work to see history happen. Whether he was your candidate or not, I hope you'll tune in with me.
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